Friday, August 19, 2011

Babies Are Psychic

"Don't even think about being productive today!"
At least mine is. There is no other explanation. I first became suspicious early on, when the Little One started sleeping in his own room. He was a night person in those days and sometimes wouldn't go down until 1:00, leaving Mommy very tired. But he wouldn't simply go to sleep. He'd close his eyes and fake it as I tiptoed gently back to bed. Then, at the exact second when I found my spot and tucked my covers cozily under my chin, I hear that pitiful whimper calling me back across the hall. Sometimes, when he was feeling extra sadistic, he would wait a few more minutes until I had just barely dozed off before loudly letting me know that my presence was desired.

Those days are thankfully over. The boy is in his crib between 8:30 and 9:00 every night and goes peacefully to sleep without any aid from me. And he's a faithful 12 hour sleeper, nights are blissful once more. Or at least, they should be...

But, since Junior is such a night-time champ he's up considerably more during the daytime and his psychic powers are somehow strengthened by the sunlight. I can generally get him to take a late morning nap a few hours after he wakes up and I take advantage of that time to take a short nap myself, thinking I'll wake up and get some chores done while he finished his snooze. Without fail, this kid always manages to wake up within 2 minutes of me. We live on a main street with my son's room facing the road. Emergency vehicles scream past the house at least 6 times a day and the kid doesn't even roll over. But the sound of Mommy stirring from across the hall and he's wide awake.

So we get up, maybe I feed him and we play for a while. Then, I pull out the Exe-saucer or playmat or playpen and let him entertain himself for a while, which he is generally happy to do... Until he senses that mommy is ready to perform a chore that he can't tag along for. As soon as i starting thinking to myself  "I should start dinner." Or "I should get these floors mopped."  Or any other non-kid-friendly activity... my little psychic companion strikes preemptively and starts kicking up a fuss.

I'm not even mad at the little dude. It's rather brilliant, really. Get all the attention he needs all day long and make mommy d all her chores after 8:30... so what if she can't remember going to bed before 2:00am. I just think he needs to rethink his plan, every time he uses his powers for evil instead of good, he diminishes his chances of getting a baby brother or sister any time soon!

How do you balance the demands of the kids with the demands of... everything else.

1 comment:

  1. We found that putting a fan/white noise in the room with the kiddo helped her sleep and not hear noises around the house. I also find that the crockpot can help with dinner prep since it does the work for you. Finally, just enjoy this special time with your boy since you'll never get it back but there will always be housework! <3
