Sunday, August 14, 2011

So... This is Blogging...

I know; you're right. Everyone in the world has been blogging since 2006. I'll admit it. I'm once again tardy to the party. In my defense, I never felt I had anything very interesting to say. At least not enough to sustain any kind of prolonged web presence. [Fair warning: that may still be the case]. But, in the last few years there's been some big changes to my life and my perspectives and, since my kid is getting bored of my ramblings, I've decided to foist share them on the world instead.

A little about me:
1) I'm a new wife.

Mr. and Mrs Zurily

2) I'm a new mom

Little Zurily
It's a combination that is very hard to juggle. I've been pretty fiercely independent for my whole life and it's a bit disorienting to now have two lives that are affected by my decisions. Especially while I'm simultaneously trying to navigate the choppy waters of Godly submission and Virtuous Womanhood. Speaking of which...

3) I'm a Born-Again Christian
Image by Dan

I gave my life to Jesus when I was 14. I'll probably be sharing my full testimony in a later post. So my worldview is a Christian one and guided primarily by the Bible. I believe that the only way to get to God is through his Son, Jesus Christ, who came to earth to die for sinners (a group that includes every one of us). Agree or disagree as you will but now you know.

So those are the three main tings you should know about me from the onset. The rest, we can learn as we go along. I'm just hear because I have all kinds of opinions on all kinds of topics. On top of that, I think I'm funny hilarious. So why not make the people laugh, eh?

YOUR TURN: What else would you like to know about me?

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